Welcome to the UAO Shop

You can get here cool items from Ukraine, including unit patches, flags and further exclusive giveaways of units we supported.

We offer free shipping - worldwide!

Your contribution represents a donation rather than a purchase. Each gift has a donation-part and a Fair Market Value (FMV). The donation part (as well as any further monetary donation) may be tax-deductable for US-tax payers. You will receive a dedicated receipt.

All (!) proceeds are used to buy equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Army Unit Flags

Get your Ukrainian army flag now and help Ukrainian defenders. 100% of your contribution is used to buy critical equipment like drones or protective gear. All featured units were supported by UAO. The flags are available and ready to ship.


Tax Note: Your contribution represents a donation rather than a purchase. As registered US 501(c)(3) charity, donations to UAO are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law for those who file US income taxes. The flag has a Fair Market Value (FMV) of 10$, so the rest of the contribution can be declared as donation.

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Army Unit Patches

Get your Ukrainian Army patch now and help Ukrainian defenders. 100% of your contribution is used to buy critical equipment like drones or protective gear. All featured units were supported by UAO. The patches are available and ready to ship.


Tax Note: Your contribution represents a donation rather than a purchase. As registered US 501(c)(3) charity, donations to UAO are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law for those who file US income taxes. The patches have a Fair Market Value (FMV) which is under the official threshold, so your contribution can be fully declared as donation.

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Waiting for your patch or flag?

You bought a patch, flag or other item in the shop but did not receive it yet? It can happen that the international delivery might take 3-4 weeks. However, if you didn't receive it after this time, you can write an e-mail to bastian@ukraineaidops.org to investigate - we always find a solution!