Metal Band "Within Temptation" to donate revenue from streaming in Russia to Ukraine Aid Operations
Like you know, the members of the Dutch band "Within Temptation" are strong supporters of Ukraine! The band, which had warm ties with Ukraine even before the outbreak of war, has been a strong voice against the Russian occupation since 2022. The conviction that the West should support Ukraine in this existential struggle was further reinforced during a visit to Kyiv in March 2024, where the band recorded the video of the single "Fool's parade".
When it became clear shortly after the trip that the band could expect a decent amount of income from streaming by fans in Russia, the members decided to donate this income to UAO "We still have many fans in Russia, they are ashamed of the war and let us know that. We find it appropriate that the income they have generated by playing our music will be used for the defense of Ukraine," Sharon den Adel and Robert Westerholt explained.
Within Temptation even provided a signed embroided Ukraine map as a special item for the UAO Victory Gallery: https://ukraineaidops.org/pages/gallery
We thank Within Temptation for standing with Ukraine!