Transparency Report (September 2024) - How we use your donations!

Transparency Report (September 2024) - How we use your donations!

Since April 2022, Ukraine Aid Operations helps the Armed Forces of Ukraine with critical equipment. We do this with the help of donations from all over the world. As these donations are based on trust, we are happy to provide you our Transparency Report September 2024, showing how we use your donations. The highlights:

  • Overall, UAO has raised almost $7 million (before: $5.8 million*) since 2022 (excluding Amazon donations)
  • In average, 88.7% (before: 87.6%*) of your donations went to buying equipment such as medical items, drones, boats or ambulances for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Hence, we improved this value by 1.1%.
  • 8.7% (before: 9.7%*) of the donations were used to cover operational costs such as warehousing, and especially freight to Ukraine. We were able to reduce our operational costs by 1% by making our logistics processes more efficient.
  • 2.5% (before: 2,6%*) of the donations were used to maintain our popular Victory Gallery, which is an important pillar of our fundraising. Expenses here include compensations for the artists as well as material costs.

In the sheet above you find the summary of how we used your donations. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us!


*Comparisons to the previous transparency report from May 2024
